Nach einer ausgezeichneten Saison 2014/15 schaffte es Michael Hayböck sich durch 3 Einzelsiege im Weltcup, Platz 3 bei der Vierschanzentournee und Platz 4 im Gesamtweltcup noch einmal zu steigern. Wir gratulieren herzlich und begrüßen den Kirchberg-Theninger am 15.April in Hinzenbach. … [Weiterlesen...]
Best Laptop: Apple MacBook Pro, Popular Science Top 100 Innovations of 2009
Popular Science recently named an Apple computer as the best laptop of 2009 in the Best of What s New 2009: The Year s 100 Greatest Innovations article. What makes Apple laptop the best in the field Apple s unique, patented technology on battery life, included with every MacBook Pro.Due to Apple s design and technology flat lithium-polymer batteries MacBook Pros carry more … [Weiterlesen...]
Google Trends Plus SEO Drive Traffic to Your Blog
An organization has its own shuttle bus and provide free transportation for their employees is a very common service in China. Workers in schools, government agencies or private businesses all enjoy some sort of transportation tip free bus, taxi re reimbursement etc. on a monthly basis. However, it is quite rare here in North America. A recent article in New York Times exposed … [Weiterlesen...]
Go Mobile with Master Accuracy
Given the rise of Mobile Internet users in past few years it has become quite important to have mobile or lite version of your blog. Mobile users generally do not like to download relatively heavy blog that are made for normal internet connections and web browsers. There are number of solutions for bloggers for both WordPress & Blogger platforms and I have personally tried a … [Weiterlesen...]
Transforming Paper and Plastic into a 3D Interactive Experience
The Google Earth API was used as a foundation for StrataLogica to make use of its sophisticated image rendering logic, satellite imagery and access to built-in tools and navigation controls. As an enterprise scale application, we faced some interesting challenges and gained many insights along the way that we d like to share. Our first task was to prove we could wrap Nystrom s … [Weiterlesen...]